Why subscribe?
Hi, I’m Niva. I am a writer and filmmaker who happens to also have experienced a lot of loss. I used to write regularly about grief and creativity on a wordpress site called Riding Bitch (a biker reference) and recently decided to migrate here to substack.
The Think Tank is focused more on filmmaking, writing, and life as an artist. I write about my own journey, personal observations, issues that I’m working out, things that I’ve learned, things that I’m insecure about. I might also share advice or tips or explain what I do (the process). One thing I would never claim to be is an expert - at anything except maybe crying and falling asleep. I’m very good at both of those things. Otherwise, everything here is simply based on my experience. You can take it or leave it. Also, I’m just as open to receiving advice! In case anyone wants to share…
I will occasionally still write about loss because… well, loss never really goes away. It’s always there, lurking under the surface. It’s also a common theme in my work.
Lastly, I will share professional updates here too. Hopefully, they will get more exciting with time. Thanks for joining me on the journey!
xo Niva
PS. I’ve imported all the Riding Bitch posts and put them under Archive. New posts begin with January 29, 2023 and are on the homepage.
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