You Know You're a Dog Person When
Ruby just turned two years old. This one's for her. :)
Your home resembles a graveyard.
Your dog has a bed in every room of the house, plus the car.

Your dog sleeps on your bed -- rather, she shares her biggest bed with you.

You talk to your dog all day and are convinced she understands what you're saying.
You rate your day by how many times your dog poops in the morning. 1x = an average day. 2x = a great day. 3x = you might get a promotion at work or win the lottery.
You analyze your dog's poop like a tea reader.
You know your vet's number by heart.
You ask your dog questions like "how was your day?" and "are you mad at me?"
You can read your dog's looks:
"No, I will not get out of bed. It's Sunday."
"Do we really have to watch Downton Abbey at full volume?"

"I just woke up and realized it's been two days since you gave me a bone."

You will drive up to an hour to take your dog to a new off-leash hike trail -- or the beach.

You will give your dog the last drops of water on a hike.

You try not to judge other people by how your dog reacts to them.
You try not to judge other people by how well - or badly - behaved their dog is.
You try not to give strangers advice on how to train their dogs -- but it's hard since you've worked so hard to train yours.

Your dog has more boyfriends than you do.

You set up more play dates for your dog than you do for yourself.
You question moving to a different neighborhood or state because what about your dog's friends?

You will buy another dog's toy on the spot so that your dog can play with it.

You have an iTunes playlist for when your dog is alone that includes Mozart, Bach and Philip Glass. You think this music has made your dog smarter.
You put sunscreen on your dog's face.

You let your dog roll in whatever she wants, even if it means giving her a bath afterwards.

You feel sorry for people who don't have dogs.
You're wary of people who don't like dogs.
You judge cities by how dog-friendly they are.

It takes you 30-45 minutes to explain how, when and why you adopted your dog.

You celebrate your dog's birthday.
Your favorite moment of the day is waking up to your dog.

Your second favorite moment of the day is coming home to your dog.

Are you a dog person?