Where Do You Live?
I'm trying to figure out which route to take on the cross-country trip in August. There are so many sights I'd like to see. On the Southern route, I'd love to swing through the Grand Canyon (which I've seen once before) and Monument Valley in Arizona, White Sands National Monument in New Mexico, Austin, TX, New Orleans, and take a river tour on the Mississippi (if they allow dogs). I have friends in Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida. On the Northern Route, I'd love to see Yosemite National Park, visit friends in Southern Oregon, maybe see Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. I also have friends in Minnesota, Chicago, and Pittsburgh.
The move is probably going to be temporary, so I'll be driving there and back (with several months in between). I would love to meet some fellow bloggers along the way if possible. Would you be interested in meeting me and Ruby? I know that DSWidow is in Wisconsin, LB is in Virginia, and Caitlin Kelly is in New York. Where are the rest of you? Not asking for street addresses, just city and/or state. If you're not in the U.S., I'd still love to know where you are, but I won't be able to meet you on the road trip. :-)
Have you ever driven across the U.S.? Would you recommend I see any particular town or sight?
This is a great big country! I can't wait to see more of it, and meet some of you.