It's been so long since I've written here. I feel almost shy about it. But I miss writing, sharing, having my voice out there. It's been too long.
Life is... okay. Not great. Not bad. Just okay. It's too much to unpack in a blog post, but I'm still grappling with the loss of my brother, on top of other losses. It's not an every day in your face kind of grappling, not something I think about consciously all the time... more of a vibration under the surface of things, compounded by other life factors.
I'd like to say I have answers. Sometimes I think, I'm an expert on loss. But I'm not really. Just because I've experienced it many times, from different angles, doesn't mean I know anything... except, maybe, to be patient and observe.
My former therapist used to say that a lot, "Just observe... your thoughts, feelings, behavior, any patterns, don't judge or try to change anything yet, just pay attention to what's happening..."
So, that's what I'm doing. Observing. Taking notes. Registering.
Wishing you all well, dear readers. Hope you haven't given up on me.
I'll write again soon. XO