Love = Responsibility
This isn't easy for me... but I'd like to ask for your support with something that's dear to my heart. My dog, Ruby, has a serious leg injury and needs surgery in order to walk properly again, and I can't afford to pay for it without help.
I adopted Ruby about 18 months after Kaz died, within weeks of starting this blog. Some of you might remember those early posts about being a new puppy owner.
first pic of ruby, 15 weeks old
There were so many issues to deal with back then: crate training, leash training, vaccinations, getting her spayed, teething issues, barking issues, traveling issues, infections, switching doggie daycares, and puppy classes.
It was a lot. But she was worth it.

I was still actively grieving at the time, but Ruby was a healthy distraction.
She made me laugh through my tears. She forced me to go outside when I normally might have stayed in bed feeling blue. She was the best hiking companion.

She helped me heal by helping to mend and strengthen my broken heart. Taking care of her gave me a purpose and made me feel strong again. For the second time in my life, I was responsible for another being.

The responsibility that comes with loving another is no joke. Human or animal - when you love someone, and they need your help, you do whatever you can to help them.
These days, Ruby needs a lot of help. She tore her ACL earlier this year, a partial tear that wasn't obvious right away. I've spent the last few months taking her to various veterinarians and physical therapists to figure out how to deal with it. They all came to the same conclusion: she needs surgery, followed by physical therapy, and 3-4 months of supervised recovery.
Ruby today, holding her injured hind leg up
The whole ordeal is going to be stressful, expensive and time-consuming. But I'm determined to get Ruby back to health.
At 3+ years, she's much too young to be hobbling around, and it would be cruel to let her go through the rest of her life in pain. She deserves to be able to run and play and hike and swim the way she used to.
So, I've set up a gofundme campaign to try and raise some of the money for her medical expenses. It's called Help Ruby Run Again. Many friends have contributed, but there's still a long way to go.
If any of you are inclined to make a small contribution, that would be awesome. If you can't donate, then maybe you could share the link, or just keep us in your thoughts. It all helps.
I'll be posting about Ruby's progress in the coming days, weeks, months.
Ruby will run again, and I will run with her. :)
Thanks for reading and for your support.
- Niva
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