Keeping the Creative Spirit Alive
For most creative types, creativity is not a choice. It's a must. Like breathing, we need to create in order to function and maintain a sense of emotional and mental balance. On a practical level, this means we need the space, time and necessary equipment to do our art.
One of the things I love about writing is that it's something I can do anywhere. I don't have to rely on anyone else or any fancy equipment. All I need is my computer, or a pen and paper, and my imagination.
Filmmaking, on the other hand, requires technology - a camera at the very least, sound, lighting and editing equipment. This all takes money and usually a lot of planning. Often it requires working with a team, even a small team.
These days, the filmmaker in me is a little lonely and antsy. It's been a long time since I've directed anything or even visited a film set. I've met some filmmakers in upstate New York, but I miss Los Angeles in this respect.
The one thing that keeps me going, however, is photography.

Like with writing, photography is something I can do anywhere. I'm not a professional. I take most of my photos with my cell phone while walking or hiking with my dog. But what it gives me is so much more than that. It's my new creative outlet.
These are some recent photos I took of the Catskills.
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I'm lucky that where I live is very photogenic. The light is quite dramatic and it changes throughout the year. Winter light is even and diffused. Summer light is bright. Fall light creates these very long shadows.
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Taking photos has developed into more than a hobby. It's a way for me to practice my directing eye. When I take a photo (and edit it), I try to say something with it... convey a mood, a feeling, a thought, even a very, very tiny story.
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The animals around here are also photogenic starting, of course, with my favorite model, Ruby.
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I hope to get back to moving pictures soon, but in the meantime capturing these still moments is keeping my filmmaking spirit alive.
How do you keep your creative spirit alive?