Feeding Your Soul
Sometimes bad things happen out of the blue and stop us in our tracks. Other times, we may find ourselves in situations that feel like they’re slowly eating away at the core of who we are. In either case, the hurt and pain makes the world seem different, uninspiring, devoid of meaning, unfair and cruel. We lose our sense of purpose, our will to continue. We think to ourselves, what’s the point of anything? What’s the point of me?

And then... one day, weeks, months or even years after our pain began... something or someone causes us snap out of it momentarily. It can be almost anything. A piece of music, a kind gesture from a friend or stranger, a ray of light filtered through the trees, the sound of birds chirping, a memory, a line of dialogue, a smell, an animal, a joke, a dream, a piece of art... anything.

In that moment of inspiration, we suddenly remember the other side of life: beauty, love, joy, laughter, goodness, grace.
At first, we might resent that these things still exist when our pain is so deep. We might resent that the world continues to turn while we feel dead inside.
But another part of us cries out, possibly a meek voice that requires a special type of listening. The voice of our soul, which has been long neglected and patiently waiting in the darkness.

In that moment, our soul peeks out from behind the curtain shrouding our heart and turns up to the sunshine of inspiration.
Like the first daylight after a storm, it feels a fleeting sense of hope again. If it happened once, maybe it can happen again.
Our soul urges us to find more inspiration, for it is hungry.

For the first time in a while, we do something that seems so simple but actually requires a bit more energy... we notice things. We allow ourselves to feel and observe and enjoy the world around us. And each time we encounter another moment of inspiration, we grow stronger.
We grow stronger because we are feeding our soul.
Our souls are individual. What feeds your soul might not feed another's. But feeding it is essential.

What feeds your soul? What inspires you?