A Big Decision - Not Forever, But For Now
I don't know how to say this in a non-shocking way, so I'm just going to say it. I've given notice at my job. Those of you who've been following the blog for a while, or know me in 'real' life, shouldn't be completely surprised. I have wanted to do this - been talking and writing about doing this - for years. It was only a question of when. Now, that question is answered. My last day at work will be July 3. (Yes, I timed it to coincide with Independence Day.)
Los Angeles Remember when I wrote about my rural fantasy? Well, I'm finally doing it. After I leave the job, I'll spend a few weeks preparing to leave Los Angeles, then driving across country with Ruby to upstate New York (Northern Catskills). I plan to arrive in late August.
Catskills This move is not forever, but for now. There's a good chance I could wind up back in California. I just don't know right now. In fact, there are a lot of unknowns. For one, I've never actually been to the Catskills. I've heard it described and seen pictures of the area and apartment I'm going to be renting. I know it's rural, beautiful and conservative. I could go and check it out first, but I don't want to spend the money, time and energy. I'd rather just go. I also don't know anyone in the Catskills except for the woman who's renting me the apartment (she's a friend of the family). When I moved to Los Angeles, I didn't know anyone and had never been here before either. I drove out here from Philadelphia alone with a 10-day old license because I had just learned how to drive. Granted, I was heading to film school, but I didn't know a single person or street when I arrived exactly 19 years ago.
Can you imagine trying to navigate all of this without GPS?
Los Angeles One of the bigger unknowns is how I'm going to make money. I can't rely on finding work locally, so will have to work from home, or in nearby cities like Albany or Hudson. I do have some savings and a rough plan for work, but nothing set in stone yet (more about this in another post). Lastly, the closest I've come to the kind of rural environment and brutal winters they have in the Catskills is the month I spent in Vermont last year. I suspect that where I'm going to be is even more rural and more brutally cold, so this is another obstacle to overcome. The good news is I'll have wi-fi, my car and my dog. Also, if/when I get completely stir crazy, NYC is three hours away.
Catskills I know that a few people are scared for me, and I understand. It IS scary, and I'm not going to say I have all the answers right now because I don't. All I can say is that I'm following an instinct I've had for a long time. My heart has been yearning for a change and, for better or worse, I've decided to give my heart what it wants. I'm doing it now because life is short, and there is no perfect time. I also don't want to move in the winter, nor do I want to wait another year. A friend recently told me, "Being compulsive is one of your best and worst traits." Yes, and once I put my mind to something, come Hell or high water, I get it done. Of course, now I have a million and one things to get done. But I'm ready. To coin one of my favorite phrases, it's "balls to the wall" time. :) I look forward to sharing the journey with you.
Pelicans in flight (photo by Niva)