99 aka The Nuptial Bed
I just noticed there are 99 people following this blog. Free turkey to the 100th follower! Just kidding. Here are some random facts about the number 99 (according to www.RidingtheBeast.com):
Symbolism Expresses a realized perfection state, since it is in relation with the number of the perfection, 9.
According to Bercelius, this number would be the equivalents of the Gold, symbol of the Pure Spirit.
Bible Number of ewe left in the parabola of Jesus to go to seek the hundredth that was lost. (Mt 18,12)
Age of Abraham when God appeared to him and instituted an alliance with him. (Gn 17,1)
General Number of grains of the Muslim rosary.
Gematria The numerical values of Hebrew word HVPE meaning nuptial bed, and IDIGhE meaning knowledge or cognition, gives each one 99.
Numerical value of the word Amen written in Greek:
A M H N 1 40 8 50 = 99
Occurrence The number 99 is used 6 times in the Bible.
The number 7 is used 99 times in the NT.
The word generation is used 99 times in the OT and the word confidence, 99 times in the Bible. The word "prayer" is used 99 times in the NT of the NRSV.
And here's what I think of all that...
Instagram photo by wsdashbaseball